Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite. Most of us that grew up with this saying can happily report never personally experiencing these pests. These nasty nibblers were largely eradicated in the early 1940s, but have been making a large-scale comeback since 1995. The news gets worse: they are immune to chemical pesticides, and need to feed more than their predecessors. (reported by the 57th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America) Infestations are globally on the rise: in our country alone, there was a 71% increase in bedbug calls from 2000-2005. NYC has been hard hit, with a special task force was appointed in 2009 just to figure out how to tackle the invasion.
The real problem is: they don’t just suck our blood, but they are really bad news for the economy too. While we are busy battling them on the home front, they have expanded their assault into the commercial sector.
-Real estate: Once New York State Assembly Bill A10356 is approved, landlords will have to disclose any bed bug infestations on the property during the last five years (even if they have been successfully abated). This information will negatively impact the value of these buildings and the rental real estate sales market.
-Retail stores (recently including NYC Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch locations) are forced to close their doors to treat infestations – losing valuable revenue and merchandise.
-Offices: for example, Goldman Sachs, CBS and Fox News’ New York City offices were reportedly infested with bed bugs, disrupting the business, and resulting in costly lawsuits. Bedbugs are normally nocturnal, but offices are breeding grounds for them due to the endless supply of food and hiding spots.
-Hotels, hospitals, banks have also reported infestations…
Commercial infestations are no longer uncommon, and are increasing. These pests can hitch a ride easily and are spreading. The cost to business: big bucks to exterminate, and huge revenue losses. Our economy doesn’t need a bed bug problem.
How do we really get rid of them? We propose a two-fold solution.
Sniff them out. In a matter of minutes canine detectors can pinpoint the infestation accurately (a human pest control practitioner might take an hour, and with an accuracy rate of 90%). These dogs save us both time and money. They identify our target’s precise location so we can insure eradication.
Then kill them. Bedbugs may be immune to chemical pesticides, but not to some powerful natural/organic products. Are non-toxic treatments really effective? Yes – they actually outperform chemical pesticides. The best on the market is Dr. Ben’s Original Cedar Oil formulation (available thru – which kills not just the bedbugs, but also their eggs. It is also the fastest product– killing them in one minute upon direct application. Rutger’s University studied this product in 2009, and reported these surprising results:
“Cedar Oil is advertised as a safe, effective insecticide for controlling a variety of public health pests including Bed Bugs. Bed Bug Central and Rutgers University have partnered to put a variety of Bed Bug products to the test. Cedar oil is the first in the series. “Best Yet” Cedar oil (Called Dr. Ben’s Evictor) was chosen due to the claims being made by the manufacture, to the public for use in controlling bed bugs. The direct spray of “Best Yet” caused immediate immobilization of the bed bug nymphs, followed by 100% mortality within 1 minute of the topical application. In addition to being 100% effective on bugs directly treated with the product, it also proved to be effective against eggs that were directly treated. None of the 61 treated eggs hatched after 17 days compared to 75% egg hatch in a non-treated control group.”
The two-fold solution: Efficient canine detectors + Br. Ben’s Evictor sprayed directly on the bugs and their eggs = eradication.
The best part is – once the wonderfully smelling, non-toxic cedar oil formulation dries, it has a residual effectiveness on the treated surfaces. We suggest routinely spraying your home and business to create an inhospitable environment for bedbugs.
Protect your family. Help our economy. Get rid of bedbugs for real.
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